Navy uniforms world war 2
Navy uniforms world war 2

navy uniforms world war 2

His masterful productions again have captured the flavor of the times contemporary with the uniforms depicted in each painting and serve also as excellent reproductions of the uniforms themselves.

navy uniforms world war 2

McBarron, acknowledged leader in the field of military illustration, working from sketches modified by us developed the paintings to illustrate the texts. Thus, what began as an avocation while on active duty has become for Captain Tily full time work in his retirement. His authoritative book, entitled, The Uniforms of the United States Navy, was published in 1964 by Thomas Yoseloff of New York. The text accompanying this set of color lithographs and the one published earlier were written in coordination with this office by Captain Tily, recognized expert on the uniform in the United States Navy. To fill this void, we turned to two men outstanding in this field, Captain James C. Thus there has long been a need within the Navy as well as in the civilian community for a series of color prints depicting the history of the uniform in the United States Navy. Around them clings something of the character and stirring history of the service they represent.

navy uniforms world war 2

Military uniforms have always fascinated most of us. For text of historic uniform regulations and articles on specific uniform items, please consult the Navy Department Library's page, Uniforms of the U.S. This content provides a chronological survey of Navy uniforms. *Editor’s Note: The following content was reproduced from Uniforms of the United States Navy 1776–18–1967.

Navy uniforms world war 2